Top 10 Best Scenes in Game of Thrones! (Season 2)


[Top 10 Best Scenes in Game of Thrones! (Season 2)

Welcome back for another Game of Thrones video. In this video, I will be showing you what I believe are some of the best scenes from Game of Thrones (Season 2). As you all know, Game of Thrones has produced some of the greatest moments in television history, like, the death of Ned Stark, the Red Wedding, the death of Jon Snow, the Battle of the Bastards, Hardhome, and much more! In this video, I will show you some of the other amazing moments, like, Robb and Greywind confronting Jaime Lannister, Melisandre giving birth to a shadow baby, Theon Greyjoy executing Ser Rodrick, the wildfire explosion during the Battle of Blackwater Bay, the White Walkers moving south, and more! Let me know what your favorite scenes are from the second season! Thanks for watching!

Images and video clips from Game of Thrones are property of Warner Bros and HBO, used here under fair use.

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Outro Music: John DelVento

➪ Tags: #Top #Scenes #Game #Thrones #Season

➪ Keyword: top game,Game of Thrones,Top 10,Best Scenes,Best Moments,Greatest Moments,Top 5,Best Battles,Best Swordfights,Greatest Sword Fights,Season 2,Season 8,Season 1,Talking Thrones,The Red Wedding,The Death of Ned Stark,The death of Jon Snow,Battle of the Bastards,Hardhome,Game of Thrones Season 8,How Game of Thrones Should Have Ended,How It All Ends,Theory,End Game,Top 3,Robb Stark,Greywind,Jaime Lannister,Theon,Jaqen H’ghar,Arya,Night King,White Walkers

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