Pikmin 4 Review – The Final Verdict


[Pikmin 4 Review – The Final Verdict

Though it hasn’t found the mainstream success of the likes of Mario and Metroid, those who’re invested in it will tell you that Pikmin has been one of Nintendo’s best and most consistent franchises for as long as it’s been around- and no game exemplifies that better than Pikmin 4.

Launching after years of anticipation, the newest instalment in Nintendo’s strategy series is more engaging and enjoyable than any of its predecessors, thanks not only to various quality-of-life improvements that refine the Pikmin formula to an absolute sheen, but also a number of bigger gameplay improvements and additions that significantly elevate the experience in numerous ways. From its addictive gameplay loop to how overwhelmingly charming it is from top to bottom to how good it looks, there’s plenty to be impressed by in Pikmin 4.

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5/5 - (273 votes)
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