POKÉMON KNOWLEDGE QUEST | Free Review Game (PowerPoint)


[POKÉMON KNOWLEDGE QUEST | Free Review Game (PowerPoint)

This video is only a preview of the PowerPoint. Download the full (free!) game template at

✭ Features 85 different animated Pokemon and 32 unique attack animations
✭ Pokemon use attacks they actually use in the video game (I tried to make their animations as close as possible with what I could achieve with PowerPoint)
✭ XP/Point system is based on Pokemon type strengths and weaknesses from the actual Pokemon video games
✭ Tried to use accurate size comparison of Pokemon
✭ Depending on the map location, teams will find certain types of Pokemon. For example: water-type Pokemon will be in water or beach locations, fire-type will be near the volcano, bug-type will be in forest areas, etc. Backgrounds of these wild Pokemon match these locations as well (as best they can)

➊ A student/team chooses a location on the map by picking a number.

➋ After answering a question right, they will encounter a wild Pokémon.

➌ They will have a choice of 1 of 3 PokéBalls, each containing a different Pokémon.

➍ Once they choose a PokéBall, a Pokémon will come out and attack the wild Pokémon for XP (experience points).

➎ How many XP they get depends on how effective the attack is.

➏ The student/team with the most XP at the end of the game is the winner!

➐ Further instructions on how to play/how to use the PowerPoint can be found in the notes section of each slide.

#powerpoint #reviewgame

➪ Tags: #POKÉMON #KNOWLEDGE #QUEST #Free #Review #Game #PowerPoint

➪ Keyword: review game,powerpoint game,efl game,esl game,language game,educational game,ppt,powerpoint,tays teaching toolkit,esl,efl,ell,teaching,foreign language,reading game,writing game,speaking game,listening game,review game,game,activity

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